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Perth Yoga Studio offers a wide range of beginner and specialist classes whether you have been practicing for years or want to try yoga for the first time.

By 1st January 2016

It's important that we know yoga is for everyone. Although the 'light of yoga' arose in India, it could just as easily have arisen in Pitlochry! It's for everyone who is interested in moving the body mindfully and in a way that enhances movement through flexibility, strengthens muscles to support the bones, thereby bringing good structural alignment.

In addition, it gives opportunities to learn how to relax effectively and quieten our minds through concentration and meditation techniques.

All the above take time and practice but improvements can actually been seen more quickly than you might at first think - and then it becomes part of our everyday lives. Yoga makes sense and it works!

June YogaThere are a variety of classical yoga classes for men and women at Perth Yoga Studio that you can find details of on the Timetable page.  "Enjoy your yoga practice - those of us who teach have found it transforming in the best possible way and endeavour to pass on our knowledge and experience with lightness and joyful enthusiasm."- June Mitchell

Ashtanga Vinyasa | Active Yoga | Hatha | Kundalini | Yoga for Men | Lunchtime sessions | Pregnancy | Baby Yoga

In addition to Yoga, we also teach T’ai Chi and Chi Gung, Mindfulness Meditation, Crystal Meditation and hold regular Workshops. 

**January Special Offers**

Mondays: Hatha Yoga class with Judy, 5.45pm. 2 classes for the price of one. Start the year as you mean to carry on! Resumes 11th January

Tuesdays: Lynn’s T’ai Chi and ChiGung. Come to 2 classes and get the 3rd one free. Resumes 5th January.

Thursdays: Ashtanga Yoga with Annalisa, 6pm (£50 for 8 week term). Introduction to Ashtanga, 7.20pm (£25 for 4 weeks) Resumes 7th January.

It is a most interesting experience to be in Rose Terrace for June Mitchell the owner/manager (and former Big Personality!), as it is about a one minute walk from the four storey Georgian house at 7 Barossa Place, which she and her husband, James, bought in 1981 and turned into Perth Yoga Centre.

Wellbeing Perth Yoga Studio classThis was the family home as well as being only the second yoga studio in Scotland at the time and was a huge success from the outset. Many of today’s Perthshire therapists and teachers sparked their interest in yoga and complementary medicine at Perth Yoga Centre which not only offered a busy, weekly programme of yoga classes but also regular workshops in all sorts of natural health disciplines as well as yoga, drawing teachers from all over the UK – and there was a wholefood, vegetarian restaurant on the garden level, a very new experience in those days! 

Cathy, the fantastic cook was from the Island of Lewis and came to Perth College to do her catering training. Along with several other young students, she had lodgings with June and James in their house in Dunkeld Road before the move to Barossa Place.  Cathy went with them to run the restaurant and many of June’s friends and contemporaries from those days will remember her especially for her carob cake.  Cathy is now June’s friend on Facebook and it is so lovely to keep in touch and remember her completely delicious veggie food and amazing wholefood baking from the early 1980s. Waaaay ahead of her time I think you could say!!

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