Writer Jamie Jauncey grew up with stories from the extraordinary life of his flamboyant great-grand-uncle, RB Cunninghame Graham (1852-1936) - famously known as Don Roberto – but who really was ‘Don Roberto’, and what was it like to have such a figure as part of the family backdrop?
Jamie’s fascinating talk will uncover the many aspects of Graham’s life… he was a landed aristocrat – with a claim to the Scottish throne, no less – the UK’s first ever socialist MP and founding president of the SNP, a prolific author, an inveterate adventurer, a superb horseman – hence the sobriquet Don Roberto, an eternal champion of the underdog and oppressed, he was held to ransom by a sheik, jailed as an MP for rioting on Blood Sunday in 1887… the list goes on and on! But, above all, his story is one of someone who stood tall for humanity in all his endeavours.
Jamie has kindly donated his time for this talk towards Birnam Arts’ fundraising efforts.
£10/£8/£5 U16'S
SCBP16th September 2016
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