We love to chat here at Small City and so every weekend we send a newsletter out in celebration of the people, places and events in and around our area. The focus is very much on Perth, Kinross and wider Perthshire and covers articles from across our online magazine ranging from local news to sports, family, galleries, reviews, food & drink, recruitment and property.
There's some new legislation around how we talk to you - you may have heard of it? GDPR. Four letters currently upsetting every business in the UK!
As a reminder, we have always asked for consent when storing your data and we would be happy to send you details of when you joined our mailing list, and how you came to be added to it. We can also send you the terms and conditions you saw at the time. When we asked you to tick these, we made sure you had to do this yourself - no pre-ticked boxes for us! You can check out our privacy policy here.
We'd never bombard you - we don't have the time! We send weekly newsletters on a Friday night OR Saturday morning and an additional fortnightly event one every second Wednesday. That's roughly 6 each month.
This new legislation does call for belt and braces though and so we're in the process of doing the following:
If you're not currently on our mailing list and like the sound of it all then please do enter your details here!